Adminscript for PtokaX : DirtybotLUA 0.12 with timebanning

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Adminscript for PtokaX : DirtybotLUA 0.12 with timebanning

Post by DirtyFinger » 2003-02-17 04:39

Sorry for announcing scripts for rival-hubsofts. If that is not wanted I'll stop doing this.

Follow these links for
Script Download Homepage
Dirtybot Discussion Thread

Dirtybot is an adminscript for all the little stuff that needs to be done.
Banning, flooding, massmessaging and so on.

0.12 changes : Direct-Ban is back.
DirectBan enables you to (time)ban one or multiple Users at once without having to type their names.
Usage :
1. Mark the users that have to go in the userlist with the mouse
2. Rightclick to redirect them
3. Include the bantime anywhere in the banreason. Examples : "blablabl 3 weeks" "bla 1 day bla."
4. Enter any ip. He will get redirected like normal.

0.111 changes : Fixed the duration of the timebans.
0.11 changes : the -rules and -? commands are now accessible for everyone
And i finally added a manual.
0.1 changes : banning added. Timebanning, to be precise. That means you can ban users for a specific time.
Along come commands to list the banned fellas and to unban them.
Note: When installing a new version, do not overwrite the old timebans.txt.
If you do, your old timbans will get lost.

And here comes the manual :

Code: Select all

This is the manual to Dirtybot 0.12
Dirtybot and other scripts can be downloaded here : [URL][/URL]



	1.	Installation
	2. Features
	3. Commandlist
	4. Customizing
		4.1 Settings.txt
		4.2 rules.txt
		4.3 Languagefiles
	5.	Upcoming Features


	1. Installation
		Unzip the contents of the zip.archieve into the scripts-folder.
		If you have an old timeban-file, don't overwrite it with the empty one from the archieve
		or your timbans are lost.


	2.	Features :
		Direct-Ban is back.
			DirectBan enables you to (time)ban one or multiple Users at once without having to type their names.
			Usage :
				1. Mark the users that have to go in the userlist with the mouse
				2. Rightclick to redirect them
				3. Include the bantime anywhere in the banreason. Examples : "blablabl 3 weeks" "bla 1 day bla."
				4. Enter any ip. He will get redirected like normal.		
			This gets rid of users for a chosen amount of time.
			Ban them for 40 minutes to make a point or for a few weeks for serious offenders.
			Banning bans both nick and ip.
			Unbanning a banned nick will unban both nick and ip.
			Note : 	Only users who are in the hub can be banned at this time.
						Can't be done otherwise yet, kick ptaczek for that one.
			Send messages to all users, to all operators and to all users without showing 
			your name (good against dozens of away-messages ^^).
			Blesses the victim with numerous private messages, usually popping up a window for each.
			As a bonus, the victim gets to hear random insults (insult list can be expanded )
		Sortable Banlist
			You can list the banned fellows sorted either by name,ip or bantime
			Move them all with a simple command
		Registering of Users and Operators
			Register Users and Operators with a simple commands.
			Since you are required to give a password, DON'T do it in the mainchat.
			You can run the bot in several languages by loading another language-file.
			You can easily make your own languagefile.
			If done correctly, the bot talks klingon although the commands stay the same.
			Some hub-settings.
	3. Commandlist

	   +? or -?
		Syntax:			-?
		Description:	Shows the commands avaible to your Profile
		Syntax:			-addop name password
		Description:	Ops a user with the given password

		Syntax:			-ban Nick reason (ban-duration in minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years)
		Description:	If no duration is given, ban is 1 year. Example : -ban Dirty See you in 3 weeks, buddy.
							You can specify the bantime anywhere inside the reason.
		Syntax:			-flood++ victim (count) (message)
		Description:	Sends the victim (count) pms. If no count or messages are given, 100 insulting pms are sent

		Syntax:			-listban (name/ip/time)
		Description:	lists all items banned by the -ban command. Optionally sortable by name,ip and bantime (name is default)

		Syntax:			-loadlanguagefile language.lan
		Description:	Loads the specified languagefile

		Syntax:			-mm message
		Description:	Massmessage to all users, coming from you (prepare for away-floods ^^)

		Syntax:			-mma message
		Description:	Anonymous massmessage 

		Syntax:			-mmop message
		Description:	Massmessage to all operators 

		Syntax:			-redirectall (message)
		Description:	Redirects all users to the hubs redirect-address with an optional message

		Syntax:			-redirectallto ip message 
		Description:	Redirects all users to the given redirect-address with an optional message

		Syntax:			-reguser name password
		Description:	registers a user with the given password

		Syntax:			-rules
		Description:	Shows the rules

		Syntax:			-sethubdescription hubdescription
		Description:	changes the hubdescription

		Syntax:			-sethubname hubname
		Description:	changes the hubname

		Syntax:			-setmaxusers number
		Description:	Sets the maximum users allowed in this hub

		Syntax:			-setredirectaddress ip
		Description:	Sets the automatic redirect address

		Syntax:			-unban Nick/IP
		Description:	Unbans the given Nick/IP. If the nick was timebanned, both nick and associated IP are unbanned.	
	4. Customizing
		4.1 Settings.txt
			Unless you really know what you are doing, don't edit the script.
			Instead use the Settings.txt located in the Dirtybot directory.
			At the moment (v0.1) it looks like this : 
				HubSettings = { 
					FileHubRules = "DirtyBot/rules.txt", 
					TimebanFile = "DirtyBot/timebans.txt", 
					languagefile = "DirtyBot/english.lan", 
					timerIntervall = 60000, 
			This will change later, of course.
			The stuff that you might want to edit at the moment is probably only the languagefile.
			If you specify a different languagefile, the bot immedeatly starts in that language.

		4.2 rules.txt
			Nothing much to say about that one.
			Put your rules in. They will be shown once a user writes -rules in the mainchat or to the bot.
			Looking like this at the moment. I suspect you'd want to change that soon enough:
				Hub Rules !
				blablabla bla blabla blablabla.

				1. blabla
				2. blablablabla 
				3. blabla blablabla ! blabla!
				4. bla!
				5. blabla. blablablabla, blabla blablabla blabla.
				   blablablabla blabla bla blablabla, blablabla :  blablabla
				6. blablablabla. blablabla

		4.3 Languagefiles
			You can edit everything thats on the right side of an equation inside of two quotationmarks "".
			Some sentences are not standing alone, they are used with script variables, e.g. :
				floodplusplus = " is getting flooded. Get ready to swim, buddy.",
			So, when translating, keep in mind that names and stuff will be attached to some strings.

			The insult-array can be expanded at will.
			If you think the original is too small or if french has much more to offer in regard of insults, just
			add new ones inside quotes, seperated by commas :
					insult = {
						"Faggot","Nerd","Pig","Up yours!","Incompetent","Dimwit","Tosser","Arseface","Dummy"
			Do not change the commands itself ! Only the descriptions of them or they will stop working.
				["-mm"] = {
					syntax = "-mm message", 
					description = "Massmessage to all users, coming from you (prepare for away-floods ^^)" ,
					Profile = {["User"]=nil,["SuperUser"]=1,["Operator"]=1,["Admin"]=1}
			The ["-mm"] part is off-limits. Don't touch it. 
			The Profile line is as of yet without function but it will be significant later.
			On the left is a profile name and on the right a value, which is either nil or 1.
			If the value is 1, the respective profile can use the command.
			If nil, then the user can't even see the command.
			But like i said, it's not yet done. Patience.

	5.	Upcoming Features
		-	Profiles (superuser,admin,fluffybunny...)
		-	Slot checker and stuff.
		-	offline banning (that is, banning of users that are offline)
		-	client-kicker (keep dc++ users out. or better, keep non-dc++ users out)
Neomodus sucks.
The client is terrible.
The hub software is dreadful.
The only thing worse is the protocol.
And then they had to top it by choosing vbs for scripting.
I still marvel at the fact that sharing with Direct Connect turned out so good.
