Feature Req: Dont share files where I am OP. But all others.

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Feature Req: Dont share files where I am OP. But all others.

Post by skyfox77 » 2004-01-20 13:28

As an OP at a hub, you have the possibility not to share any files, I would like to keep it this way but share in all the other HUBs I am on.

So this request is about the possibility to choose to not share files in the HUB where I am OP but in all other Hubs

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Joined: 2004-01-20 14:26

Post by telos » 2004-01-20 15:04

As an op why should you not have to share with your hub? I am op in a few hubs and feel it is important to lead by exaple. If you want your users to share all they have you should do the same.

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Post by FleetCmd » 2004-01-20 18:14

How could you wait from your users to share if you don't? :) You probably kick everyone who tries to avoid the uploaders (with disconnecting, removing, renaming files, other fake things). Then you will be one of them.

with the only exception that you can't be kicked..

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Post by telos » 2004-01-20 21:14

I have no idea what you are trying to say.

lets start at the beginning.
a group of letters makes a word
a group of words organized in a coherent string make a phrase
a phrase or two forming a complete idea becomes a sentence
a group of sentences become a paragraph with a beginning and an end to your thought.

I believe you were trying to tell me that by sharing I need to dodge uploaders or something along those lines. Why would i want to dodge uploaders? And as for kicking people who try and dodge uploaders themselves. Yes i will ban for that but in my hubs we allow "hacked" clients such as BCDC which makes it so you can throttle if need be and you have no reason to dodge. Trust and respect your members and they will do their share.

so i think i covered all of your unfounded accusations... let me know if i missed something. ok?

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Post by GargoyleMT » 2004-01-25 10:52

I'll bet that FleetCmd was responding to the original poster, telos.

That said, please take a look around the board for the threads on per-hub shares. This feature is non-trivial, and probably should only be implemented when we have a new protocol (so that you can tie a share to a particular "user identity"). I think it might be possible with the current protocol (even handling the boundary cases like two identical nicks on two hubs trying to connect to you at the same time), but it would not be anywhere near easy to code.

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Joined: 2004-01-20 14:26

Post by telos » 2004-01-25 14:35

If thats the case.. my bad :)
