Instead of Multisource

Archived discussion about features (predating the use of Bugzilla as a bug and feature tracker)

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Instead of Multisource

Post by ebilgin » 2004-06-15 07:30

Hi All,

I am using DC++ for a long time and it is great program. And the community of course :D .

I have a slow connection when compared to others but it is sufficient for me. After long usage i realized that due to my small ul bandwidth (64k) small files always completing and everyone gets what he or she wants. But when file sizes are increasing this satisfaction decreases. Because it takes about days to complete 700megs file with my upload. I'm restricting slots for more speeded uploaded. (Customer satisfaction :P). But this makes my slots blocked for very long time. While everyone is thinking about increasing download speeds like multisource and etc, my feature request is for sake of community. I think that this feature must be implemented. The feauture is well known from edonkey network. Uploading chunks of currently downloading files. The 15mb size will be sufficent i think. I do not want to tell what is the advantages of this feature, because most of you know this.

Also uploading incomplete files should not be counted in share size. This is another issue.

Good Luck...

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Posts: 366
Joined: 2004-03-06 02:46

Post by PseudonympH » 2004-06-15 09:49

Partial File Sharing (PFS) is on the radar, and will probably be looked into once multisource comes along. I don't know about your 15 MB chunk size; the chunk size used will probably be whatever size the block size of the TTH leaves is (2 MB for a 700 MB movie). You can do a search on PFS to find previous discussions about it.
