Another WINE thread!

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Another WINE thread!

Post by cybbe » 2004-10-08 08:36

Ok, so there's tons of wine threads on this forum and I guess ppl are getting quite sick and tired of them, so here comes another one.

I'm using gentoo linux and I'm actually using winex (not codega). My DC++ / oDC starts up and works w/o any "serious" problems. I can download public hub list and I can connect to hubs without problems. The problems start when I want to do download something, I get the name and Connecting... down there but most often it just times out. VERY rarely I can get a connection to go through and then the file blasts down in full speed.

So the problem is if I put 20 filelists in download queue I try to connect to them and they all timeout, this can go on for hours.

So I began to search where it could go wrong. First of all I'm behind a firewall (a linux box) and I've forwarded port 1111 to my lan ip. This works in Windows and if I copy the same config to linux I get the problem described above. I have the same ip in linux as in windows, I don't have any firewall on my own box.
So I started to sniff the packets (in linux) and I found that the one who I download the List from sends: "$MyNick XXXXX|$Lock EXTENDEDPROTOCOLXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Pk=DCPLUSPLUS0.403XXXXXX |"
And after a little bit of searching I've found that after getting this packet my client should respond with a $Support <feature1>...... packet. This does not happen...
My client sends a SYN, ACK without data as response and then the other client response with an ACK and then I get the $Lock EXTENDEDPROTOCOL package again :(

So my question is: Since all these are TCP, the connection should already be established when I get the $Lock so my client should directly answer with a $Support package, right? I'm still new in computer communications and not really sure if I've got it all right. However these $Locks keep coming about every ~30 second and I never send any $Support package back.

I'm sure it's my stupidity that is the explanation to this but ... where exactly?

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Joined: 2003-01-07 21:46

Post by GargoyleMT » 2004-10-12 11:09

Er. Are you running DC++ under WINE, and having problems, or are you trying to code your own client, and testing it against DC++?

The $Supports mechanism is explained in extensions.txt
