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by arnetheduck » 2006-05-22 03:21
To all php developers out there; there are a couple of things for the dc++ home page that need fixing, so if you happen to have some spare time and feel like helping out, let me know by posting here...
Here's a few things needed in no particular order:
- Language file collector (a place where dc++ tranlations can be uploaded and managed)
- Updates to the crash collector, linking crash reports to the source files
- Automatic update of the downloads page based on the sf.net rss feed
- Anything else you can think of
We have two requirements on the code; a) it must be reasonably readable so that we can fix any annoyances if we can't get ahold of you, and b) it must be lightweight (generate static versions of any fequently used pages such as the downloads page that the end users see). Any questions may be directed to gargoylemt or me on the dcdev public hub (adc://dcdev.no-ip.org:16591)...
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by MindPrison » 2006-06-10 12:18
Hi, I'm intrested in making the 'Language file collector'. Can you let me know what the exact requirements are? (must people be logged in, ...)
At the moment we're having exams at school, so I don't have a lot of spare time, but in July there is time enough

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by GargoyleMT » 2006-06-10 17:20
MindPrison wrote:Hi, I'm intrested in making the 'Language file collector'. Can you let me know what the exact requirements are? (must people be logged in, ...)
It must be abuse-proof. A login (one tied to this phpbb install perhaps) is probably a good step towards that goal. Another probably would be verification of language files - making sure that a language file for "0.691" includes all the strings that 0.691 needs. Another probably would a sane size limit on individual translations, as well as the overall file.
Take a short look at the existing tracker:
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=46 ... unc=browse
The end-goal is to generate an XML list that DC++ can download to see a list of translations. DC++ should then be able to download any translation on that list, somehow.
You have php and a mysql database to play with.
I know this isn't as good as a formal specification or requirements document, but it is what we have handy.
- The Creator Himself
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by arnetheduck » 2006-06-11 03:11
I agree with garg =), the user would log in (phpbb account), and see which translations they have created, and would be able to manage those (add/remove/etc/etc)... Since each translation contains version, the software would keep track of all translations for all versions, and thus it should be possible to either view the "latest" translations or for a particular version (multiple translations / version are possible, but each author may only create one per version, so that it's possible to get a translation from a particular author as well). Then the tool should also generate an xml file that the dc++ installer for example can read, with links to the translations...
find one of us at the hub if you need to know more...and remember, it has to be pretty light weight and simple...
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by MindPrison » 2006-06-11 09:08
allright, I'll let you know when I finished the first version. Then you can test it and maybe give some advice.
Then the tool should also generate an xml file that the dc++ installer for example can read, with links to the translations...
I think this should be a next step in the tool..
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by Sandman » 2006-06-13 03:46
Could you tell me more about what you want with the other 2 options? I've got enough spare time atm

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by GargoyleMT » 2006-06-15 21:05
Sandman wrote:Could you tell me more about what you want with the other 2 options? I've got enough spare time atm

These two?
arnetheduck wrote:- Updates to the crash collector, linking crash reports to the source files
- Automatic update of the downloads page based on the sf.net rss feed
- Anything else you can think of
They're already kinda taken care of. I have patches, but I haven't applied them just yet. (Sorry.)
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by Sandman » 2006-06-16 04:33
ok no problem. If you ever need any help you can contact me
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by youshi10 » 2006-06-16 18:49
I'll help out with a portion of the language file collector if needed. I'd be more than happy to do form checking and integration with phpbb~ish authentication.
I'll take a look and see what all needs to be done and get back to you guys with a working product sometime within the next 2 weeks for authenticating.
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by yaneurabeya » 2006-06-19 22:22
Quick question: What version of phpbb are you guys using?
Reason: Authentication may change, according to what version I base the authentication method off of.
Also, could you guys give me a link to a php executable file with phpinfo() in it? I have to know what version/programs SF uses that allow XML parsing.
Also, should there be a limit to the overall number of files stored for the translations, or should it be for a limit to know much is accepted for a given language? Should this also be done on a version by version basis, or overall?
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by GargoyleMT » 2006-06-19 22:52
yaneurabeya wrote:Quick question: What version of phpbb are you guys using?
The latest, always.
yaneurabeya wrote:Also, could you guys give me a link to a php executable file with phpinfo() in it? I have to know what version/programs SF uses that allow XML parsing.
It does have xml, and the only thing of note in it is EXPAT Version 1.95.6
yaneurabeya wrote:Also, should there be a limit to the overall number of files stored for the translations, or should it be for a limit to know much is accepted for a given language? Should this also be done on a version by version basis, or overall?
Keep only the language file corresponding to the "stable" and "unstable" versions for a given translator. There should be some sanity check on size. Certainly 1 MiB language files are abusive and unrealistic, but I'm not sure how far down to go. Translations that aren't up to date for those versions should probably be removed from the list until the translator updates them.
Essentially, I'd like everything in the database. There's practically no size limit there.
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by yaneurabeya » 2006-06-19 22:55
Ok, so (1) translation file per version per developer then?
I'll setup my serving box and try some stuff for you guys soon.
The artist formerly known as youshi10.
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by TheParanoidOne » 2006-06-20 01:18
GargoyleMT wrote:Certainly 1 MiB language files are abusive and unrealistic, but I'm not sure how far down to go.
How about the size of of the supplied Example.xml for a particular version multiplied by some factor, as an upper limit?
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by yaneurabeya » 2006-06-20 02:46
TheParanoidOne wrote:GargoyleMT wrote:Certainly 1 MiB language files are abusive and unrealistic, but I'm not sure how far down to go.
How about the size of of the supplied Example.xml for a particular version multiplied by some factor, as an upper limit?
Is that necessarily a good idea? How about providing a maximum amount of characters for each field and then multiplying by 2 (UTF/double width character standards are 2 bytes, right)?
Maybe a minimum limit should be the a skeleton file's amount with all of the basic necessary fields.
The artist formerly known as youshi10.
- The Creator Himself
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by arnetheduck » 2006-06-20 06:16
Garg, you sure you want the xml's in the database? that means a database hit for every download...
Hm, now that I think of it, ideally us moderators should be able to moderate the language files as well, although this is pretty low priority...
Another few things I've been thinking of: Users should be able to create new languages and ideally associate a language code with them (en_UK, sv_SE etc etc), but the language creation should be stopped if the language already exists (same code or same lang. name)...Language name should be in english and in the language itself...
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by TheParanoidOne » 2006-06-20 14:21
yaneurabeya wrote:Is that necessarily a good idea?
Maybe. Maybe not. It was just a stray thought.
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by MindPrison » 2006-07-01 05:58
I see there are other people also intrested in making the Language file collector. Is somebody already making it? Because I'm not going to start if it's already done
Maybe I can make a part of it...
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by GargoyleMT » 2006-07-03 19:09
arnetheduck wrote:Garg, you sure you want the xml's in the database? that means a database hit for every download...
No, I you're probably right. But they do need to be "managed" somehow, as automatically as possible. If there is a non-db way to do that...
MindPrison wrote:I see there are other people also intrested in making the Language file collector. Is somebody already making it?
I haven't heard that anyone is. Want to take it? Just post here in case someone wants to offer help...
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by MindPrison » 2006-07-04 04:58
GargoyleMT wrote:I haven't heard that anyone is. Want to take it? Just post here in case someone wants to offer help...
Sorry, I made a wrong translation then. I'll start making it...
EDIT: Is it possible to give me an 100% correct language file? You can post it
here in the forum "Tips & other stuff".
The collector is ready, I only have to make an admin page and an public download page.
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by Guitarm » 2006-08-27 20:56
Would it be possible to have a forum RSS feed too? (Too see when new messages arrive)
"Nothing really happens fast. Everything happens at such a rate that by the time it happens, it all seems normal."
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by GargoyleMT » 2006-08-31 19:00
Guitarm wrote:Would it be possible to have a forum RSS feed too? (Too see when new messages arrive)
If phpBB implements it, sure.
Otherwise, no.
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by GargoyleMT » 2006-08-31 20:57
Ugh, look at the date on it (2003). I'm not sure if it works against the current version. And I don't think I want to read through 46 pages to see if it does...
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by Guitarm » 2006-08-31 20:59
GargoyleMT wrote:Ugh, look at the date on it (2003).
Yeah, I noticed that too, too bad
GargoyleMT wrote:I'm not sure if it works against the current version. And I don't think I want to read through 46 pages to see if it does...
I can understand that quite well

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by Guitarm » 2006-09-01 04:32
Ah, wunderbaum!, That would be nice to have *dreaming*
Could you get some more info on it? (What version of phpBB it works on, what mod it is, and so forth)
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by Pasqualle » 2006-09-08 16:03
i asked the forum moderator, but did not get any answer yet..
can you split this topic, because as i see we are now discussing absolutely different thing than this topic was created..
edit: oh, the RSS in some form was part of the first post. ok, my bad..
Last edited by
Pasqualle on 2006-09-08 16:09, edited 1 time in total.
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by Pasqualle » 2006-09-08 16:06
what is the progress on language file collector, and the other php things?
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by MindPrison » 2006-09-09 15:27
The language collector is finished and they are going to install it...
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by Pasqualle » 2006-09-09 18:44
MindPrison wrote:The language collector is finished and they are going to install it...
great news..
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by GargoyleMT » 2006-09-29 20:09
MindPrison wrote:The language collector is finished and they are going to install it...
Correct. I just need to review the code, since I suspect arne hasn't done the same.
The old crash collector's database was full of binary files and other attempts at abuse. The language collector needs to be the same, if it's not, I'll have to fix it (or you can). I just haven't had a weekend I wanted to devote to the subject.