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by ivulfusbar
2003-01-06 06:38
Forum: Feature Discussion (Archived)
Topic: Client/Server Features
Replies: 6
Views: 4310

chatrooms that are availabel in some hubsoftware. This is usually done in scripts/bots these days.

A mainchat with 1200 users where 100 is active will turn into kaos
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-05 18:04
Forum: Feature Discussion (Archived)
Topic: Passive Mode
Replies: 24
Views: 12129

No one opens a port that the other user can connect to. So no transfers can begin. It works like this: (almost, i leave out certain details to keep it short) A1 = Active client 1 A2 = Active client 2 P1 = Passive client 1 P2 = Passive client 2 We have 2*2 possible combinations: 1) A1 wants to downlo...
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-05 17:30
Forum: Feature Discussion (Archived)
Topic: Passive Mode
Replies: 24
Views: 12129

this is _impossible_ and can never be fixed.
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-05 12:46
Forum: DCH++ General
Topic: DCH++ in test
Replies: 36
Views: 23554

i noticed a lag in the mainchat whit 400 users.

but-hey-its-atleast-a-start-ly'ers ;))
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-05 10:41
Forum: Protocol Alley
Topic: Hub-client protocol extension: $xKick
Replies: 17
Views: 9243

Time is almost in every OS, language implimented as seconds, thats why it is the natural implimentation.
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-05 10:38
Forum: Feature Discussion (Archived)
Topic: Upload Speed Limiting
Replies: 187
Views: 91896

please stop these flamish replies.

Its up to the HubOwner together with the users that join a hub to set up rules about sharelimits, bandwidthlimits etc.

If you don't like their terms/rules, you are absolutely free to join some other hub.
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-05 10:07
Forum: Feature Discussion (Archived)
Topic: Upload Speed Limiting
Replies: 187
Views: 91896

have an interesting idea (i think)...

if this got implimented (i hope not).

Why not leave the decission up to the hub, if the "hub" $Support BandWidthLimiting, then enable it in client2client handshakes/downloads/uploads etc.

i-think-this-forum-lost-its-virginity-with-this-thread-ly'ers ;))
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-05 09:56
Forum: Protocol Alley
Topic: Hub-client protocol extension: $xKick
Replies: 17
Views: 9243

minutes _is_ a bad idea.. has to be seconds.

Its up to the gui in a client to change 1:10:20 into seconds. Seconds will always be the way time should be transfared.
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-05 09:13
Forum: Protocol Alley
Topic: Hub-client protocol extension: $xKick
Replies: 17
Views: 9243

so nev? you send a $Kick to me? whooo.. start up the server and let me see ,))
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-05 09:11
Forum: Feature Discussion (Archived)
Topic: Upload Speed Limiting
Replies: 187
Views: 91896

i understand some of your problems. i have friends in australia who have to pay for each Byte downloads/uploaded etc. (so i send packages of cds to them sometimes). But you have to understand we have different needs from dc. And this feature will be used to fake, currently i know that SUNET (the swe...
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-05 08:42
Forum: Other Direct Connect tools
Topic: A program called CutOff
Replies: 22
Views: 16858

is the program smart or dumb? does it handle mp3s different from mpeg etc? looking for frames and other stuff? or does it only cut off X bytes?
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-05 08:41
Forum: Feature Discussion (Archived)
Topic: Upload Speed Limiting
Replies: 187
Views: 91896

finland or sweden for an example ,))
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-05 08:38
Forum: Feature Discussion (Archived)
Topic: Multiple DC++
Replies: 12
Views: 9013

do you mean that each instance whould have its own dc-port settings etc.. it gets more and more complicated... lots of threading sharing locking of files etc. It will take hellish amount of memory if we use the current lookup between what we call a file on dc and what its called on a harddrive.... t...
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-05 08:36
Forum: Feature Discussion (Archived)
Topic: Upload Speed Limiting
Replies: 187
Views: 91896

many of us is used to full duplex 10Mbit.... not our fault and yes most of our thoughts consern our own experience with dc.

move-to-a-more-devolped-country-and-get-a-better-connection-ly'ers ,))
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-05 08:32
Forum: Protocol Alley
Topic: Hub-client protocol extension: $xKick
Replies: 17
Views: 9243

Re: Hub-client protocol extension: $xKick

[quote="ender"] [i]tempban time[/i] would tell how long would tempban last, in minutes Suggestions welcome.[/quote] Not minutes, times should always be transfered as seconds. The name $xKick is not informative, $SilentKick is a better name. I would prefer that we added $Ban and held it seperated fro...
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-05 08:23
Forum: Feature Discussion (Archived)
Topic: grant slots in your favorite hubb
Replies: 5
Views: 5148

auto-grant slots? or show how many slots has been exchanged in the hub? Drawbacks auto-grant: Many hubs have max-slots rules which will make this useless unless you can set max number of total slots. To only Display is also useless: What should you do with that information? if the client/user can't ...
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-05 06:59
Forum: Feature Discussion (Archived)
Topic: Upload Speed Limiting
Replies: 187
Views: 91896

the hubs i mostly visit is 10MBit where a usual download is between 250-1200KB/s. And upload limit would not be appriciated in these hubs.

To have bandwidth-policy is useless if you have people than can fake it very easily.

All laws/polices are meaningless if they can't be controlled.
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-04 13:25
Forum: Protocol Alley
Topic: Question on detecting dc++ clients
Replies: 19
Views: 10060

you can also read on: or you can try

i recomend that you listen on the traffic sent and recv from a dc++ client to be able to see what it send and do not send...
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-04 12:27
Forum: DCH++ General
Topic: Why only DCH++ ? What about other hub softs ?
Replies: 10
Views: 12666

and i agree... such projects should not be supported by and might not fullfill the terms to be hosted there. (haven't read the rules for a while so i can't say for sure)

by ivulfusbar
2003-01-04 12:19
Forum: DCH++ General
Topic: Why only DCH++ ? What about other hub softs ?
Replies: 10
Views: 12666

i have some experiende with lua. I more experience with python but lua is small and suitable for certain things.

someone-should-write-a-hub-with-twisted-matrix-framework-ly'ers ,))
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-04 09:17
Forum: Feature Discussion (Archived)
Topic: Upload Speed Limiting
Replies: 187
Views: 91896

it is easier to set a fake description than to impliment a good upload-limit.
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-04 09:14
Forum: Protocol Alley
Topic: Upcoming: ZLib block compression
Replies: 14
Views: 10127

i wouldn't mind a $Support GetZBlock or something similiar in the handshake also.

by ivulfusbar
2003-01-04 04:45
Forum: Feature Discussion (Archived)
Topic: Client/Server Features
Replies: 6
Views: 4310

i could mention a client-client chat that would mimic the dcc-chat beahviour from IRC.

No one has written a ref for it yet but i think it will be done sometime in the future.
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-03 18:24
Forum: Feature Discussion (Archived)
Topic: Multiple DC++
Replies: 12
Views: 9013

......and many hubadmins would not like it, it would set the hub/slots ratio out of play.
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-03 11:51
Forum: Feature Discussion (Archived)
Topic: Multiple DC++
Replies: 12
Views: 9013

multiple dc++-clients will certainly make bandwidth, max slots, max hubs polices less effective for hubowners. The problem could be solved with allowing different shares / hub. This would require lots of coding and GUI. Multiple file-lists, Multiple hashes etc so it would be memory-consuming. (only ...
by ivulfusbar
2003-01-03 10:58
Forum: Programmer's Help
Topic: 0.211, zlib.lib problem on build please read
Replies: 6
Views: 3663

do you use vc6? or .NET? I had some problems opening the wrong file (the vc6) with .NET and got some errors about comiler-flags around zlib. (i think it was /FAs). Opening the right proj file (the one for .NET) made everything work perfectly (windows-style-ok-ok-ok-click-done-finish). well-not-sure-...