RE: [dcdev] ADC already obsolete?
Gustaf Räntilä <[email protected]>
2005-02-11 6:10
"'Direct Connect developers'" <[email protected]>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On
> Behalf Of Jan Vidar Krey
> Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 5:40 PM
> To: Direct Connect developers
> Subject: Re: [dcdev] ADC already obsolete?
> The Linux behaveour, that makes sense to me, is that the connection is
> closed by the connection tracker after 45 seconds idle, which means the
> timer is reset for every packet traversing. So if you don't get an answer
> within 45 seconds, you will not get it, most likely.

Which to me is a perfectly acceptable behaviour. It's just like any other connection then, you'll have to initiate another connection after a certain timeout.

And about the statistics, it's very much not scientific, but gives a good hint about the probability of this hacks success.
NetGear and D-Link being the absolutely most widely used routers for poor DC-geeks works very well it seems. And Windows being the most used OS especially among DC users works to 100%. This on UDP. So I'd like to say that at least 85-90% of the current passive users would support this punching, but since it takes two to tango - the percentage must be squared, so about 70-80% success in the end. Good enough for me. But this definitely needs testing before I can open up the champagne ;)

My reference being the article col pointed to - http://www.brynosaurus.com/pub/os/nat.pdf
