Re: [dcdev] New feats...
Todd Pederzani
2004-02-18 2:30
Direct Connect developers

Jonathan Joseph Hess wrote:

Congrats on getting the TTH going. I'm also implementing this hashing strategy and would like both of our clients to be compatible out of the gate so as to not introduce a mess. Are you going to have external behavior identical to BCDC++?

Yes, so far, the code in DC++'s CVS is outwardly compatible - it replaces the hubname with TTH:BASE32ENCODEDHASH in $SR - it also advertises TTHSearch in the hub <-> client Supports (as well as GetZBlock) so that new hubs can know if the clients have those two options enabled.  Currently, there's no client to client support for exchanging hashes, or for verifying completed downloads against them.  I'm sure both will come in good time.

FYI, you might be interested to know that you can query Bitzi with TTH roots now - though you cannot retrieve an XML ticket about the file with them yet:
I think they desire communication with any developer before integration with their service, to make sure it won't generate too much traffic, or so they don't block the application/IPs if it does - I haven't contacted them myself  though.

- Todd
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