[email protected] writes:
> At 04:04 AM 1/23/2004 +0100, you wrote:
> >In just what way would that be? If you are referring to the fact that
> >a specially crafted regex can take time to execute, then that issue
> >has already been covered in previous mails.
> Inadequately; nondeterministic search behaviour is ultimately
> counterproductive.
What exactly do you think the flaw is?
> >I think not, since Lindows, and other GNU/Linux distributions, are
> >case-sensitive, and thus their users will already often be accustomed
> >to such behavior.
> In a filesharing client? None of Gnutella, Kazaa, Napster, nor the current
> DC have trained them to expect such case-sensitivity, nor do the top few
> web search engines implement it.
Quote myself in that very same reply:
In any case, though, that was a bad example to begin with, since
noone wants DC searches to be case-sensitive, whatever O/S they come
Fredrik Tolf