Re: [dcdev] Re: adc
Todd Pederzani
2004-01-23 5:35
Direct Connect developers

Fredrik Tolf wrote:

Yeah, I am, as soon as the Hurd becomes operational in... 10 years? Or
is the current schedule maybe aiming for 2030? =)

I... don't keep up on it.  I see the Debian/Hurd page says Hurd "does not provide the performance and stability you would expect from a production system."  I'll try it after Debian releases a distro on it, which should only be a couple dozen months after Hurd itself is released.

Seriously, I _love_ the Hurd concept, but... I'd just love if it
actually seemed to be getting anywhere. It's a real petty that it

Hurd is a very bad poster boy for open source... especially when compared to Linux.  But we all know that competition is good.  Throwing Hurd in the mix with Linux and Free/Net/OpenBSD can't hurt.

- Todd
DC Developers mailinglist