eric writes:
> > Actually, I had intended every logical part of the search string
> > to be a seperate token in the line sent over the protocol that I
> > quick-drafted earlier. If you look in the archives for the `Text
> > protocol draft' draft that I sent Dec 2nd, you'll see what I
> > mean. It's also included in my upcoming protocol draft, which is
> > more complete than that mail.
> It can be good. With this, we will perhaps be able to "stabilize"
> some parts of the protocol to start programmation of clients/hubs.
I already edit it in my public_html directory, so if you want a sneak
peak, you can look in at:
Note that since it's far from completed, it's rather incoherent,
though, and it contains references to sections that I have yet to
write. However, it would be good if people would start looking through
the sections that I've written about the semantics of the protocol and
give me some early feedback.
Fredrik Tolf