On Wednesday, December 3, 2003, 19:42:23, Jacek Sieka wrote:
Ok, since everyone's doing it, I will as well...
http://dcplusplus.sf.net/ADC.htm (yes, it's an ugly filtered word htm thing
etc, but that was just to get the nice autonumbering)...I threw it together
in two hours so I've probably forgotten a bunch...
A few comments:
,-----[ ERR <code> <description>\r\n ]
| 5 Temporarily banned, next parameter must be an integer specifying the
| number of seconds left until it expires, followed by the textual
| description as usual (This is used for kick as well?).
I'd like the hub to reset the number of seconds left for certain bans - this
way, the user has the chance to fix his problem without getting reconnected
and kicked (and possibly permanently banned) while he was away -- or should
we make "don't reconnect if kicked" a requirement?
,----- [ INF <CID> <field1> <field2> ? <fieldN>\r\n ]
| IP Client IP, using standard notation from above with port. Sending this
| field to the hub with an IP means that this client wants to run in active
| mode. If this field is missing (or empty), it means that the client
| should be treated as passive.
IMHO, IP should be sent from the hub to client. This would solve a lot of
problems for clients behind routers (with forwarded ports) with dynamic IPs.